Favorite recent and insightful quote I have read recently:

Favorite quote I have recently read: "The word temple comes from the Latin templum, which signifies an extended open space that has been marked out for the observation of the sky. In what manner is such a space marked out? According to Dr. Hugh Nibley, the word templum, "designates a building specifically designed for interpreting signs in the heavens--a sort of observatory where one gets one's bearings on the universe." The root "tem-" in Greek and Latin denotes a "cutting" or intersection of two lines at right angles, the point where the "cardo" and "decumanus" cross, hence where the four regions come together." Matthew Brown - "The Gate of Heaven"

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Day of Instruction

Today was another great day with Elder and Sister Pinegar in the Provo Temple.  I had asked Elder Pinegar if he would talk about his experiences of traveling with President Kimball in Brazil during the early 70's and events that lead up to the Sao Paulo Temple announcement as well as the 1978 Revelation allowing all worthy members the priesthood blessings of temple attendance.  He said he would and told us in detail about it today.  It was very touching and moving, likely the highlight of my experience here at the MTC.  It is hard to measure that exactly as there are many things we will treasure and cherish such as one dear Philippino sister who essentially has spent her life savings to finance her mission to the Manila Temple.  Friends and family are helping and her ward in Texas. She receives no support from her two children so it is very difficult for her but she has remarkable faith. She has taken to heart something Elder Pinegar shared with us the first day, D&C 31.  I suggest if anyone is worried about a senior mission they do as Elder Pinegar suggested and replace Thomas Marsh's name with their own.  We are satisfied our "little ones" will be looked after. This includes all of our children and grandchildren.

We are packing our bags tonight and received an email from some fellow workers in Peru about a welcoming party Saturday PM La Molina.  We are anxious to be going finally, though tomorrow is our last day in the temple with Elder and Sister Pinegar.  I am so grateful we could be tutored by them as tomorrow is their last day after 3-1/2 years also. They have such deep roots and experiences with those who have gone before whom we have loved so much.

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